12-14-15 by dave

Winter finally delivered an exciting and much needed installment of fresh Essence.  The Valley was actually hit harder than the higher elevations and getting to the mouth of the Canyon took a long time with unprepared folks splattered everywhere.  I made 3rd Tram none the less and found about a foot up high and 8 inches down lower on the hill.  The hard pan from this last stretch is still lurking underneath the fresh coat, making the ride quite variable on the steeper sections.  The lower angle aspects were feeling much better and I was able to lay into the ski like I wanted.  After all that shmoozing of turns on the hard pack it was nice to feel a full traction carve.  The Peruvian side of the hill opened around 9:45 AM, which offered more great lines that felt great underfoot.  I moved off the beaten path a bit and found fully knee deep powder that had that fluffulescent tranquility of new deep snow.  I always appreciate quiet world when all the sounds go away and all you hear is a soft woosh of the snow against the pants.  During the Forklift stop, I looked up to see the time on the Plaza Clock pegged at 11:11 AM meaning  that allFullSizeRenderis in Cosmic Alignment in full balance and purpose.  That is a fitting sign for such an auspicious delivery.  Tomorrow, look for more accumulation overnight as the system is slow moving and another impulse is poised to move in.  It is snowing here at the Trailer now and the horses are huddled in the lean to keeping warm.  Earlier they were out in the corral enjoying the fresh snow as much as I was.  Be sure to check the Canyon report for access. It may be restricted.  The conditions are vastly improved and is soft and deep, though those greasy spots still lurk here and there, so keep aiming for the piles and avoid the tiles.  Thanks for the excellent collective visualizations that you all did to manifest this dump.  Just like that picture of the fire pit I posted a few days ago, it happened in just the same way.  Stay Frosty!!

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