12-30-24 by dave

It is an exciting time, with the holiday season in full swing, the new snow has really arrived just in the nick of time to provide all the folks who were wondering if the Promise of the Wasatch would come through. It came through with just what our visualizations imagined. Funny how that works. There was a full court press for the goods and the Faithful were rewarded with soft snow, wonderfully prepared surfaces, new extended terrain to explore and high energy to fuel the experience. All sections of the hill that were open for sampling were providing excellent conditions.

Chef Paulo is hosting the first of the season’s amazing pizza tasting events. I am so excited to be there for the wide range of styles that will be on tap.

Tomorrow, look for continued great conditions wall to wall, with soft snow, and smooth lines that will be waiting for those who perhaps missed out on today’s offerings. These are the days we have been training for during this past month, and dialing in those consistent turns will be the pay off for all the visualizations and training. Straight Ahead!!!

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