5-18-19 by dave

Another dollop of extra frosting was added to the dance floor for today’s festivities. It was pounding rain on the skin of The Trailer all night long, so you know that translated to high density product up on the hill. A large turn out of The Faithful made for quite a site as they waited for the mitigation efforts so be completed. Here is as shot taken by Tram Rat from the Plaza deck.

The expectant crowd waiting for the opening of yet another chance to get the bonus spring powder

Mineral Basin opened after the work had been completed and that gave access to the Little Cloud Chair, so the crowd got spread out. Tomorrow, look for more unsettled weather and more pressure for the goods. We’ll have to see if any more areas get opened. Dress for weather as the next impulse is poised to move in during the late morning. The hill is still in good shape, but expect that late season substrate to have some surprises underneath the new product. I’ll be on the hill again in the AM. and I will have a first hand look at the hill. See you there for the continued deliveries. As Joe Man The Snow Man says, ” Don’t Skimp On The Groove Sauce.”

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