2-15-11 by dave


The wind had subsided for the start of the day’s festivities, so the Tram was off on time.  The wind had indeed left some areas scoured down to the old layer, while other shots had been smoothed and buffed by the wind, offering perfect supportable wind slab carvelocity, and ultra fast ripping top to bottom.  You had to be observant and strategic in the approach to get out to the lines that beckoned, due to the stripped traverses, where the vibrations going through the skis seemed to make their way up to my eye balls, which were flapping around in their sockets.  I had to try to negotiate the section through the blur.  Once I gained the line I was good to go, but be ready to take a  beating along the traverses if you go too fast.  The big Groomed sections at the bottom of the hill are still holding on to the smooth, and offer a nice variety that is steep and challenging.  Tomorrow, the storm is supposed to move in later in the day, so the light will probably be flat, and the general complexion of the hill will have remained unchanged,  though there  may be some additional wind work overnight.  The high North is holding the most consistent lines, so look for those in the limited visibility to find the smoothest line.  The Gad side has some very nice Groomers that have been placed in lines that are rarely if every mowed, so look for those if you want to go farther afield  for adventure.  See you on the first Boat.   Ciao!!

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