The Sun was filtered by a high thing cloud deck that left the shadows in a serious flat light state. Mineral Basin was brightly lit and offered lots of fresh lines to get on first Tram. The soft snow felt great and those wide open lines had plenty of laps left in them. On the front of the hill, as anticipated, the Machine worked lines offered perfect carpets of AHHHHHH top to bottom, which kept me doing hot laps as the Tram line went away pretty quickly, leaving the smooth sections to a very few folks.

This shot off the Peak on first Tram shows the filtered lighting effect, which gave everything a mystical look, being sharp, but still fuzzy all at the same time. The Freeride Comp moved to Baldy which was prime for a contest with plenty of explosive product to make it all that more exciting.

This is a shot of The Jazz Man from the first opening of Baldy the other day. Tomorrow, look for a storm day as another impulse is on the doorstep. This snow event is slated to begin during the very early hours of the morning and will cause some interesting road conditions for the commute, so check the road conditions. The hill is prime for this next installment, and it will add another level of quality for the comp that is going on. Conditions are really good right now and all of the traverses and entrances have really improved. See you there for the storm riding fun. Remain Standing!!!