12-06-14 by dave

-6The Sun was trying to burn off the cloud deck that held the peaks all day, but was unsuccessful in shining on the proceedings.  The Groomers were offering the best of the day with a softer feel due to these higher than normal temps.  Traffic was light and a back to back pace was no problem to keep.  These are the training days to get the stamina up to speed for the time when you will need it for the Powder Fest.  Off trail is still very limited, however, sneak peaks on some of the lower mountain lines is worth a look as the obvious features are visible and easy to get around.  The interference patterns are still not too abrupt and a smooth turn is possible with the correct approach.  I have been looking around with a keen eye to where the hazards will be when all gets covered this next time.  By and large, the cover will not take much to really improve the scope of the dance floor.  Already, folks are charging the Middle Cirque with full on fall line assaults, so there is plenty to get serious about.  These are the days to get what you need dialed in, as it will not be long until you can uncork on the hill.  Tomorrow, look for those Groomers to be the fun lines for the morning session, with those off trail lines offering diversionary runs just for grins.  It should be Sunny and mild as well if the weather guy can be believed.  Here is an image of the three styles of the official Guru Dave T Shirts.  They are on sale exclusively at Christy Sports.  There is a very limited supply, so get there soon for a selection of sizes and styles. See you there for the morning session.  Ciao!!

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