3-22-16 by dave

The rain pelted the Trailer all night long with an insistent patter.  That signaled that the hill was getting a fresh coating of goodness.  There was only a couple of inches on the parking lot when I parked, but up on the hill there was fully 5 to 8” of high density Essence that was just what was needed to adhere to the old crusty layer and prepare the pack for the addition of the snow to come.  High winds out of the Southwest were pounding the hill, making the visibility a real issue.  The Morning Crew made the decision to do a Lewis and Clark exploratory by way of Lone Star, which had been Groomed yesterday.  That call was rewarded with a smooth top to bottom line covered with delightful frosting, though each turn just had to be felt as the visibility was Zero Zero.  The low angle lines of Lewis and Clark offered a nicely cushioned ride over that old crusty layer.  The wind switched direction to the Northwest, and the snow intensity really started pounding as the Front moved through, with the fresh accumulation getting deeper by the minute.  Here is a shot of Buzz Skigrin, who was sampling the continuous face shots as they fell  DSC03689 from the sky. The front of the hill was getting deeper as well, but the higher traffic there made the vacant lines of Mineral Basin much more appealing.  It was a great day of free refills as the snow intensity and high winds kept filling in the tracks as fast as they got worked.   Tomorrow, look for additional accumulation to have fallen overnight as the impulses continue to move through with the unsettled air mass.  The old layer will be much less in play as the depth increases, but do expect some of the gnar to be felt from time to time, especially where the interference patterns were well established.  Look for the smooth lines for the best ride.  There may be road restrictions in the AM., so check the road report. Pressure for the goods will be a given, so expect full attendance.  See you there for the fresh Essence which should be blower with the colder temps.  Speed Safely!!


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