12-06-16 by dave

There was a fresh carpet of delight this morning after the Cat Crew worked their magic on the hill.  Both sides of the hill were feeling edge-able and smooth, which let you dial in the turns you desired.  Gone was the breakable slab of yesterday.  Off trail was still stiff with the chop and interference patterns a wide spread feature.  I was sticking with the smooth and silky, working the long sections of Gun Powder that was being deposited top to bottom.  There was some incredible quality down on the lower mountain that was being ignored in the flat light.  I kept getting fresh un tracked every run.   Here is a shot of the Mine across the Valley taken from the peak.  I never get tired of contemplating this view from the peak.  dsc04114Tomorrow, look for more great machine worked lines, with some fresh essence that will fall overnight.  There are flurries happening now as I write this, so I am looking forward to a treat.  The forecast is looking very active for the next week and I think we will be seeing a great stretch of accumulation coming up.  Now is the time to scope out the lines that I have been avoiding to get a heads up on them when they get covered over again.  The hill is poised for greatness with any significant dump, where the interference patterns and rumble will be gone, giving away to ground pounding excellence.  That is my vision and I am sticking with it!!  See you there for the first Boat!  Don’t Forget To SIZZLE!!

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