12-11-15 by dave

5 inches of fresh cover was delivered overnight.  It was a welcome addition to the pack, that really needed a shot of freshness.  The medium density Essence felt nice underfoot, but that firm layer was fully in play and I was working the sides and piles for the cushion I was seeking to avoid the glazed spots. When I got to the locker room at the normal time, I thought I was in the wrong time line.   Either I was late or there was no one around to get the goods.  DSC03265When I got to the Tram line  I knew that I was late and everyone was chompin’ at the bit to get the first tracks.  The consistency was a bit variable, and I felt the  low angle lines were feeling the best. DSC03266The Sun came out to light the dance floor and the crowd got spread out, making wait time no issue.  Tomorrow, look for the Groomers to be offering much more consistent lines after the fresh product gets worked into the mat.  Traffic should be steady and pressure for the early lines might be something to take into consideration.  The off trail guts are looking better with the traffic it has been getting.  DSC03272 Here is a shot of the clouds building up in the valley, which later turned into showers.  Perhaps there may be some more accumulation overnight.  We’ll see.  I am taking tomorrow off, so work the dance floor for me.  Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!

One Response to “FRESH COVER”

  1. Tom and Betty says:


    The locker room looks like it does when we get there. So you must have been snoozin’.

    Almost like being there.


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