4-09-15 by dave

The Snow Goddess ALTARIA came through, not a moment too soon, with a fresh delivery of silky Essence.  Here is a shot of her, magically shouting the command to affect the morphogenic field which manifests the intent.  Thus,  the overnight accumulation featured medium density grauple  that went a long way toward cushioning the old layer that made the off trail well worth a visit.  t18cTrWmMQERsE028ONqgv8-YNbQy3ZGnaDBgHCvTIi-jsNM9jiSZR5IWb7ddUPFkbnmWQnypXPe2MM37raF_am5KY9tWE1Wr1lIKbmnzKBl2aRoqWpQ46_iOsnwMPlZgyNBtYZ1ZQWT9S162ssyg_FhOZ6Ih6HOvk26wbfwOoUDIJRln-rEiGZ_mi2SfyXMSwovfAs anticipated, the Faithful were in attendance for the first of the day, and were called to Mineral Basin by the bright Sun and beautifully covered pack.  The front of the hill did not go un noticed, but the energy was fully going toward the Sun.  The low angle aspects seemed to offer the best ride, but some of the smoother steep sections that I tried felt good, though the bottom was in play and needed to be addressed.  The new product was quickly consumed by the knowledgeable attendees that worked the fields with surgical precision.  Lewis and Clark offered a refuge from the pressure, offering lap after lap of low angle fun.  On the front of the hill, the Groomers were off the charts smooth and Winter like, with a Hydro Velvet feel that reminded me of a January day.  Here is a shot of the Twins with the fresh coating, making the recent warm spell seem distant.  By 12:30 PM., the Sun began to affect the pack, making for a DSC02778heavier feel.  Some clouds built in helping to shield the rays of the Sun, but the infrared was punching through none the less.  The High North was holding up the best as the ambient temps. remained a bit cool, and that extended the quality nicely.   Here is a shot of the Jakester’s line that illustrates the smooth turning that characterized today’s festivities.  CZcfzhO1HOrlmTbiZYYytgaX5y7o_mNik8C0uhs7tWFERKrIbcvEoFNEoUqj1R6dP9cUuVTDhqtpR_pHpJ-pXicD78vy968vJ8eAIXtoOSeUOVI3lbtiyXQZ2XFsaU1j4000HaM5VOEYCrq38wKbnncDHIS5yPchr2L2WwtVg7P9Damz7l5rDgLSp7N3U6MgQ_sU0It was great to have the room to get these turns with no pressure and no hype.  Tomorrow, look for the Groomers to be offering extra special smooth quality as the new product gets mixed into the mat.  Lighter traffic will also free up the open space.  The off trail will still be good, but expect those sections that got saturated by the ambient warmth of the afternoon to be interesting.  This installment really gave the hill another shot, that will help greatly going into the weekend.  See you there for the morning shred fest.  IBBY!!

One Response to “FRESH DELIVERY”

  1. marie says:

    Super ! Enjoy !

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