3-28-17 by dave

A fresh installment had been delivered yesterday with flurries continuing all night, leaving 8 or so inches on the Dance Floor.  The new product was very high density, but had a dry cold feel that helped cushion the ride, however,  the rumble was echoing through and a direct, deliberate approach was key.  The Peruvian Trifecta had been beautifully prepared by the Cat Crew, which offered that top to bottom carvacious feel.  I hit that line as many times as I could before breakfast to absorb the goodness before it was discovered in the variable visibility.  Clearing did begin to happen as the clouds moved off.  Mineral Basin opened, and there was quite a push for the goods back there, so I avoided the fray and kept hitting the Trifecta.  The wind had worked the upper elevations, making some of the un tracked lines quite variable and in places very slabby.    Here is a shot of me taken by my friend Harry, when I was crossing the Plaza going for more. When the Sun came out, it began to work the snow, especially those direct aspects that get the full intensity.  The Lower mountain became a bit manky as the new product absorbed the ambient heat.  I was working with long round turns to keep the lateral forces from working my knees.   Tomorrow, look for a beautiful day, with bright Sun, lots of Groomed lines all over the hill, and much lighter traffic.  I will be looking for freshly buffed drops in Mineral Basin for the morning session, as I missed my time back there today.  The forecast is for a lot more goodness coming upstream, and the hill is in fine shape to make the most of anything we get.  It is going to be big.  See The Line, BE The Line!!!

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