4-16-21 by dave

There was more accumulation and fresh lines as new sections of the hill opened up and more precipitation adds to the pack. Low traffic made for a relaxed feel and wide open lines to ply. The old layer is all but gone and smooth lines are everywhere as all the rumble and interference patterns have filled in. Here is a couple of shots Mikey M sent of the opening of the Sunday Cliffs.

Mikey M getting the full effect of all the accumulation that has been delivered and making good use of it.
Mark Herath dialing in the fall line for direct drive out on the Sunday Cliffs. Perhaps the best snow of the season out there.

Conditions are great and there will be plenty of soft snow. Tomorrow, look for more sections waiting in the wings, amazing Groomers to be on tap with Winter soft carvey carpets of AHHHH. If the Sun comes out it will be affecting the pack quickly, so stay ahead of the Rays. Better weather is lining up, so take advantage of the fresh Essence and smooth lines on the hill. Keep it tight!!

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