12-31-10 by dave

A few inches of overnight snow, open Canyon access, and a New Year stoke, drew the faithful to the dance.   The Groomers were unreal with the fresh frosting on top, providing the ultimate sensation of  smooth.  The off trail was a mixture of wind deposited pockets and just covered leftovers from yesterday.  There were sections that were aided by the wind, which had some knee deep veins  running with the fall line, that would shift as the aspect changed.  High traffic patterns are beginning to build up on the easy access, and open areas, requiring a bit selective line choice to circumvent them.   Since there is infinite variation, it becomes fun to see how many lines down the hill you can dream up.   Considering the cover we currently have,  the choice selection is greatly expanded.   The entrances are looking very solid, with the traverses getting a touch worked by the traffic, so be aware of acute terrain variations.    Tomorrow might bring slightly lighter traffic after the New Year’s Eve festivities, but I am taking the day off to recover.   If we get some Sun, I will be getting some more shots to put up.   Have a good one tomorrow.   Ciao!!

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