10-31-15 by dave

The return to the ski season is getting very close, and my trip  to the peak today gave me the first stirrings of anticipation.  The Twins were shrouded in clouds with a light dusting looking promising out in Little Cloud.   It was very cold on the peak, with a stiff breeze that made my light fleece woefully insufficient against the temps. that shouted that Winter is coming.  DSC03181We were able to walk across the new deck to the stairway out to the main area, which was a treat after watching all the work being done to get it finished before this all moved in.  DSC03182The new deck furniture is in place and is just waiting for the first time that the faithful will be able to hang out and enjoy the high elevation ambiance that this out door deck will provide.   It was Trick or Treat day and the Plaza deck looked festive and was getting busy as I came down from the peak to get my lunch and the Forklift, which I just love to visit and visualize the season that is quickly approaching.  Here is a shot of the gang that was ready to greet the kids who will be coming to get the goodies that await.   Behind the crew is the new snow safety device that is DSC03184new for this season and a first in the Canyon.  It uses Oxygen and Hydrogen to create a blast to stabilize the pack after a dump.  It will be interesting to see how it works, however, it will be placed way up on Superior, but if you look closely you will be able to make it out.  It is cool to have it right here for an up close look at the device.  A more significant impulse is predicted for early next week, so perhaps we will get a bigger dose of the Essence.  I am dancing as hard as I can.  Syrup won’t stop ‘ EM!!

One Response to “GETTING CLOSE”

  1. Tom and Betty says:


    Recruit more dancers! Average October snowfall – 37″; this year 1.5″

    But, October snow depth average, 3″; this year 0″.

    So we got to catch up, but depth is key, and October not big on that.

    Looking forward!


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