11-14-15 by dave

The Trailer has been fully set up for the Winter and the horses in the corral are stoked to have some company.  They always greet me going and coming everyday.  Up on the hill, preparations are ongoing in anticipation for the opening next weekend.  I went up to see how the snow fall from last week looks on the hill.  The snow guns are working hard to put down as much base as possible and the cats were working on the mountain to pack out what is there and smooth out the ride.  A new avalanche device was being placed up on Superior.  Here is a shot of this very unique device that was being prepped for a lift via helicopter.  It is always like being a kid when a helicopter is flying around up close and personal.  The pilot was awesome and made shortDSC03193work of picking up the device and placing it on the pedestal way up on the mountain.   ZIP ZIP ZIP!!!DSC03198DSC03196This was quite a site to behold with the blade wash pounding around me as the pilot made the pick.  It was just a few minutes later that the UDOT crew remotely fired it twice with a very impressive blast.  KABOOOM!!  There is a fairly good looking storm moving in for Sunday Monday, with lingering flurries into Tuesday, but I don’t want to jinx it so I will just pretend I don’t know about it.  While I was up there, the low sun angle was making the Tram Cables glow with an incredible iridescence that was really amazing.  DSC03188Well, a brand new season is approaching like a freight train and there is no stopping that flow of time.  The Big Cycle Return is here and I am anticipating a great season.  My new Dynastar Cham 97’s are in the shop getting mounted and I will be ready to roll when the first bell sounds.  See you there for the first day’s excitement!!  IBBY!!

One Response to “GETTING READY”

  1. Tom and Betty says:


    Here it comes! For better or worse.

    November – 57 years of record
    Average snowfall – 63″
    Average depth 18″
    High snowfall – 143″
    Low snowfall – 12.5″

    Present report today says 28″ snowfall; 22″ depth.

    We have a ways to go, but will keep on watching your news.


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