Going Fast

5-30-09 by dave

Saturday morning was a touch crispy, though the heat was on as the sun is really high in the sky, which thawed out the chill in record time.  Regulator held off the longest and was very edge-able right from the word GO.  Off trail was holding off a touch as well ,but by 10:00AM upper Peruvian was getting there.  The lower mountain cable shot is still the only direct shot to the bottom and the Bass Highway gap is getting much longer by the hour.  Another section lower down will be gone by tomorrow, so expect a bit more ambling to get your skis back on.  The dirty snow on the cat tracks is sluggishly slow and requires pole pushing to keep things going and even the folks with wax were in on the fun.  The upper mountain is best for the best quality .  A Free Style Camp is set up on Hoopie’s Crotch so that area is cordoned off, however, a lane is accessible to the right hand side of the course.  Look for some of the more used sections of off trail for best sliding as these areas have had natural traffic grooming and the sun cup roughness is not as bad.  It seems as if the consistency was getting softer a tad earlier this morning so for best conditions plan on an early start or if you like the guish later will do.  Tomorrow should be about the same and the walks will be just that much longer .  The 20 minute Trams are still make-able but by seconds only, so no lolligaging or you will have a 20 minute wait.   See you on the early buckets!!!

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