5-11-24 by dave

One more day of the season left, and today was a nice day to enjoy and absorb all the elements of the season as it comes to a close of full time operation. The prepared lines were offering the smooth dialable turns on all sides of the hill. I have been slowing way down and digging deep to extract as much of that mountain energy that will sustain me as I head to the High Desert in the not to far distant future. A cloud deck parked itself over the peaks, making for some flat light and there were some flurries passing through from time to time just to add a bit of texture to the experience.

Miami Mike sent this great shot from the Bird Feeder of a perfectly framed Tram ascent. A perfect place to take a moment to reflect on the season.
Kevin Canton sent this shot from his place at The Lodge with the Sun illuminating the West Twin.

Tomorrow, look for more Sun as the last of the storm energy moves off and the temps warm. I expect a slow break and I will be looking for the smooth again to work my extraction turns for more maximum Telluric Energy. I expect continued light traffic with walk on Trams and wide open lines on the hill. There will be music on the Plaza Deck and good vibes to share with fellow sliders. Take the time and the moments to interact with the hill in slow meaningful ways that you can bring up in your mind’s eye during the Summer transit. See you there early to get the most out of the day. Remain Standing!!!

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