12-18-24 by dave

With clearing skies and warmer temps, the mountain was offering great visibility for the day, with unlimited clarity wall to wall all over the hill. Regulator and lower sections of Gad Valley were smooth, with plenty of traction, and some light man made dust covering some sections, that added a lot to the silky feel. Having the Sun up and shining on the pack went a long way to improving the feel and attack on each turn. A nice touch on the day.

An up close and personal look down Canyon this morning from the Peak.

The Peruvian Gulch opened after an hour or so after first Tram, offering exploratory lines that demanded full attention to the abrupt variations that live there. I was sticking with the prepared lines to take advantage of the dry chalky feel of the snow that has been hanging in the shade for days. It is nice to stop and admire the soft openings of untracked areas in anticipation of the big deep days to come.

Beautiful Sun shining on this untracked scene. In reality, that pack was very punchy and slabby.

Tomorrow, look for more smooth lines to be on tap for training in the more consistent pack that is on tap these mornings. The Grooming Crew is doing a great job keeping the buff feeling good. The Sun should be shining and temps will remain moderate. Keep it tight!!!

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