2-21-16 by dave

This morning was custom made for hard driving fun, with beautifully prepared Hyrdro Velvet carpets on all sided of the hill.  The Sun was shining after a high cloud deck moved off just as First Tram hit the dock.  Mineral Basin was first on the Morning Crew’s agenda, where White Diamonds had been buffed out super wide, with super steep, dry, chalky lines that flowed right down into Lower Silver Dipper.  What an amazing series of terrain changes in just that 1100′ of vertical.  Lewis and Clark was also offering some nice lines that felt silky smooth top to bottom.  On the front of the hill, Lower Chips and Lower Lower were an insanely buffed combo that made you turn on such a steep section.  Here is a shot of Lower Lower with the Sun on it.  DSC03584That citizen at the bottom slid quite a long way after getting a bit excessive with the approach and got caught by the increasing pitch.  Doh!!  All the High North aspects were offering great off trail wind buff that just called you back for seconds and thirds to take advantage of the rare conditions that are happening now.  Cooler temps. kept the snow from getting too manky, and even at 3:00PM Regulator was still holding the cold dry corduroy it had been sporting all day.  Here is a shot of the Twins with the morning light setting the mood.  Pipeline is looking PHAT!!DSC03582Tomorrow, look for storm energy to be moving in for the day, delivering a small amount of accumulation.  The hill is in great shape, so additional product will be icing on the cake.  Visibility may be an issue, so stick with the trees for the best visibility, however, the Groomers can be trusted for smooth when you are in doubt with marginal references.  Dress for cold and look for some wind lines to be making for some special quality gems. DSC03578 The  Snow Goddess Harmonia is leaving tomorrow for Alaska where she will be bringing her  anchoring energies to the Chugash.  Her focus here has held the balance for us during these last 5 years, and I know her presence there will grace everyone who comes within her Auric Field.  Safe Travels, we will all miss you; Speed Safely.  See you for the morning freshness.  IBBY!!


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