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5-16-09 by dave

Well, I thought I would not be posting any more due to the full season end, but I was asked by so many folks what the deal was that I decided to keep the commentary going on each day I attend.  Today, being Saturday, was great right off the bat.  The temp. on the peak was 31 degrees on first Tram and Mineral Basin was well into the softening.  A very eager group continued to stream in and fill each Tram, forcing the pace to move up from 20’s to casual back to backs.  Mineral Basin was the early call for most of the folks looking for the goods as the front side was decidedly crispy, and Regulator , which had been re-tilled, was edge-able, but could not take any velocity if you were smart.  The magic time was 11:00 AM for the first glimmering of softening to begin, but regulator held off the sun’s assault for much longer.  The Peruvian side of the hill is now OUT OF AREA and all markings are gone.  All terrain below the top of the Gad Zoom chair is considered OUT OF AREA as well.  There is also very minimal grooming, and I do mean minimal, in these areas.  That is not to say that it was not good just very limited.  The off trail was really unskiable until at least 12:00 Noon on some aspects and much later on due North facing.  Mineral got too mushy and folks started migrating back to the front side, but there was still walk on trams for all.  After 1:30 PM.  most of the off trail became good to go and you could depend on  the solid base to buffer the nasties.  Serious sun cupping was profuse and made for a very bumpy ride, so off trail  was not optimum.  Regulator became sumptuous and reminded me of Red Baldy if you sipped it as a fine wine.  Tomorrow should be very similar so get there early for the most vertical or wait and get there for the softening window, your call.  For myself, I am going to get it all and chuckle about it. How about you?!!!   P.S.  A very good band was playing on the plaza, making a very festive party time.

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