6-19-11 by dave

The Trailer got hammered with rain beginning early this morning, and did not let up all day.  I was on deck for First Boat, but decided not to suit up due to the very heavy down pour hitting the Plaza deck.  I made a bee line to the Forklift Chair to get a handle on the situation, and get a heapin’ helpin’ of the Power Spuds.   The reports from the Patrol indicated 5 or 6” of fresh snow up high, snowing down to 9000′, and really nice skiing even through the rain band.  Still, this was not enough to persuade me to suit up and partake.  It rained all day long here at the Trailer, and I can only imagine that the snow continued in the higher elevations, so those intrepid folks were treated to a late season powder event.  The folks coming off the hill looked so soaked that I just did not have the inspiration to make the attempt.  This new snow might help mitigate some of the Sun cupping for next weekend, but there is no telling.   I went way out to Ski Patrol Gully on Saturday looking for the last vestiges of Corn, but the Sun cups made that tour a bit disappointing.  While trying to exit the old same way back to the chair, I found that last week had reduced the snow pack by at least 5′ over the due South facing exposures.  This eventuality sent me to the bottom of the Gully, necessitating a long climb back up and out to the chair.  Since I have never skied all the way down there, it was a treat, with a super steep face at the bottom .  Thank goodness there was enough snow to exit, as there was no telling if there would be after what I found up higher.  Here is a shot of the rock band that was fully traversable last week, with Timp. in the background.   Here is an interesting shot of the Sun cupping on the way out of the gully. See you next week.   IBBY!!!



One Response to “HEAVY RAIN”

  1. marie says:

    wow-zers. 783″

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