2-14-18 by dave

Heavy South winds were pounding the hill to start out the day ahead of a system that will be moving in tonight. Thick overcast and light flurries made the visibility a tad challenging with the blowing snow giving the Groomers a bit of dust on some exposures. Mineral Basin was closed due to the wind, however, the front side of the hill offered plenty of space with the light traffic. Back to back Trams were easy to make and max vertical was on tap until the wind caused the Tram to close. When I stopped in to The Summit on first Tram, I got this shot of the roasting chickens and potatoes getting golden brown for the lunch crowd. There are so many great menu options up there for lunch. I worked the chairs after the breakfast recon meeting, finding some wind loaded lines that kept filling in as the wind pounded the hill. Tomorrow, look for some snow to have fallen overnight and the storm to be moving out during the day. Dress for cold and weather and expect a fair turn out of The Faithful to be on hand if any appreciable accumulation is posted. The wind did not do too much to mellow the interference patterns on those high traffic areas, but the cadence is long and round, making most of those sections very approachable. Still, expect the bottom to be in play and go for the known smooth lines for the best ride. Visibility could be challenging once again, so stick with the trees for the best reference points. See you there for the freshies. Speed Safely!!

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