1-17-16 by dave

A thick crust of freezing rain covered the Trailer this morning as I left for the hill.  Up on the hill an installment of high density product covered the dance floor. It had also been hit hard by the wind, so it took a deliberate approach to keep the turns round and smooth.  The density did cushion the underlying pack that still was in play for the past few days despite the recent accumulation.  The faithful had turned out in force to take advantage of the freshness.  I opted to hit the Peruvian Chair to start things off, as there was no line and it would be a fast turn around.  I got a great series of lines out off North West Baldy, which is one of my favorite pitches on the hill, and was offering some very smooth carving  through the dense sand like consistency.  Roundness was the key in dealing with today’s variability, with the skis locking up each turn in full arcing traction.  I just love riding a full ski through the turn. DSC03424  As I made my way across the Plaza this morning I passed through the Subaru Host Tent that was set up for Subaru Winter Fest and met Mackenzie, who was stoked to be part of the fun that was in full effect on the Deck.  There were festive tents set up all over the Deck as part of the Free Ride contest that was being held up on the hill.  DSC03425It is always fun to have happenings going on at the mountain, and it ups the energy level quite a bit.   Tomorrow, look for the Groomers to be offering sumptuous carving for the morning session.  The off trail will be offering much improved feel with the cushion this high density product brings to the pack.  Coverage continues to improve with each installment, and I found the traverses to be much more approachable than even just a few days ago.  It does not look like much in the way of new snow over night, but expect some flurries to be in the mix.  Visibility could be variable, but the trees will be giving some good definition on the front side of the hill.  Stay Frosty!!

One Response to “HIGH DENSITY”

  1. Mark says:

    1-18-16 With a reported base temp of 2826, must be time to SIZZLE

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