3-31-17 by dave

Lots of moisture was delivered overnight, but the high density product did not add up to a lot of accumulation.  Variable visibility was widespread, with some windows of clarity opening from time to time.  Mineral Basin offered the first and deepest lines of the day, with the new snow feeling buoyant and smooth.  A few laps out on a Lewis and Clark exploration found first tracks going off with no one around to complete for the open lines.  Here is a shot of The Faithful making their way up to Baldy when the rope dropped while the Morning Crew was working the back.On the front of the hill, the High North was offering the best lines, with the high density product cushioning the ride pretty well, but the echos of the underlying rumble was resident and ubiquitous.   The Groomers were offering untracked perfection for the early runs, and I took advantage of the smooth mat to give my knees a needed break from the stiff off trail pack.  Light flurries kept moving through all day, but there was not much in the way of build up.  As the day warmed, the lower elevations became a bit manky and I called it a week as I headed out for a day off.     Tomorrow, look for a bit more accumulation as the system seems to be doing a wrap around and is coming out of the East. Wind affected lines should be expected as the East wind kicks in as the system moves on.  The High North aspects seemed to be the deepest today, but we will have to see how it shakes out for the morning. Coverage remains fat wall to wall, but pay attention to the aspects  for the best quality.  Those South faces are still very difficult.  Don’t Forget To SIZZLE!!

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