5-19-14 by dave

There was High Energy here at the Trailer yesterday, and High Energy up on the hill as the faithful were squeezing the juice out of the last days of the season.  Mineral Basin was primed and ready for the morning crew, with White Diamonds offering a steep, smooth, sorbet feel from the word go.  Folks were putting the hammer down as the conditions there were just right to let it fly.  Here is a shot I took of the goods there, and you can see the trenches left by a Carvesaurus Rex that indicate a total commitment to the fall line.  Nice!!  I chose to squeeze as much of the sorbet flavor that I could, as these turns will have to last through the Summer.  The Front Side of the hill had frozen up a bit, and needed a while to break, but when it did the consistency was sweet.  There was a lot of traffic on the hill, but there were no lines at all and max vertical was easy to rack up.  There is still a lot of snow on the hill top to bottom, and next weekend will provide a solid base to work with.  It will be no problem accessing the bottom of the hill, and the Cat Tracks still have ample cover.  Last year I had to hike some of the very lowest sections, but this year will offer no issues.  We might see some weather this week, so I am expecting to, perhaps, see some re surfacing of the pack.  Here is a shot of the Corn Goodness I was mining yesterday out in the far reaches where the perfection was all time sweet.  See you for next weekend’s festivities, and in the mean time I will be dealing with the Orion issue that cropped up yesterday.  I will have to enlist the assistance of some of my Galactic Federation friends to set them straight.  No worries.  IBBY!!DSC02124DSC02129

One Response to “HIGH ENERGY”

  1. Rudy Miick says:

    Really? No comments about the ELV? Amazing.

    Rock on Dave! Thanks for sharing the insights and “passion for” dude!

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