2-07-24 by dave

It was snowing this morning with high intensity, and The Faithful were on the case early and ready for a big snow day. Temps were moderate, but the visibility was difficult with the precipitation not letting up even a little. Up on the hill, the pack was deep, with medium density Essence that had a blower feel, but also had a floaty quality that made the ride cloud like, however, it let the substrate reflect through. Those high amplitude interference patterns were still in play, but a full on fall line approach made short work on any variations.

Peter Nicholson raising the fluff in full knee deep Essence
Mikey M emerging from a full depth power turn while keeping the fall line pegged.

It did not matter which line you chose today, you were treated to blower quality and soft flowing turns top to bottom, just like in the movies. As the day progressed, and the pack got worked, the harbor chop began to rise, requiring a very deliberate round approach to the turns to mitigate the the ride implications. Control work on the road sent me down canyon early to avoid a possible delay in getting down. Tomorrow, look for more accumulation as it is still raining here at The Trailer. There is more terrain waiting in the wings and it should be another great day on the hill. What a great cycle. Keep it tight!!

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