11-23-11 by dave

A high pressure zone is blocking the influx of the Essence for the next short bit, though the forecast is not promising much for the next 10 days.  The tram is still on schedule for an opening tomorrow, so there will be a fair amount of traffic to take advantage of the added terrain.  The lower chair really gives one perspective on the terrain that lays above the top of that chair.  Looking up at the peaks creates visions of the face shots to come.  I am writing this in the AM, as I will be absent until Friday, so I thought I would get this up before I enter the JUMP ROOM.  The morning session will be the best of the day , with consistent cover on the main runs, and nicely mowed corduroy to carve on.  Again, the snow pack is setting up, holding the smooth much longer than the other days with the fresh snow.  I love the fresh snow, but great quality buffage is great fun too.  I will try and get a post up tomorrow, but it will go up late.   Happy Thanksgiving!!  I am thankful for the ESSENCE!!!   Ciao!!

One Response to “HIGH PRESSURE”

  1. George L. Lewis, IV says:

    Wishing you safe travel in the “JUMP ROOM.”

    Given Einstein’s theory of relativity it may be possible to return from your time machine (like Russian Cosmonaut Sergei Audeyev did from space station MIR) , 0.02 seconds younger than had you never traveled…

    THANK YOU for your good work in capturing the ESSENCE; “it’s the fabric of life.”


    p.s. we’ll see you at the planetary office

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