4-07-12 by dave

High pressure moved back into the area after the last installment, though the temps. remained a bit on the nippy side with a Northerly Flow.   The Junior Extreme Competition was given a nice backdrop after the past few days, where the competitors had to really earn the points on an extremely  gnarly snow pack.  The addition of the recent installment added a welcome cushion for the kids to work with, and the visibility to give them the best opportunity.   I was off today, so my first hand observations can not be presented, but after the yesterday’s offering, the conditions have improved greatly from just a couple of days ago.   Staying ahead of the Sun was important today,


as the Sun was going to turn the new snow to paste on the direct exposures, but I think the High North was spared the damage as the temps never really got that warm up high.  Tomorrow, look for the Groomers to be still offering the best lines for the smoothness seekers, but watch out for the damaged exposures until some softening occurs.  I am going to give Regulator a bit of time till I venture in that direction, as the firmness there Friday was diamond hard.  I will have a much more detailed report for tomorrow, as I just have to be there to really know and that is what this is about, accurate assessment after all.   Here is a shot of some of the Essence making it’s metamorphosis from the crystalline stage, though the liquid stage, and finding itself, once again reformed as it makes it’s way back into the BIG CYCLE.   More of the crystalline accumulation is on tap, so do not give up on the season yet.   IBBY!!!

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