3-12-11 by dave

Rain sounded on the skin of the Trailer all  night long.  I love the sound of the rain on the roof, it helps me sleep.  The next best thing is being in a tent when it rains, I don’t know why, but it is soothing.  With that rain, there had to be snow up on the hill to add to the fun for the morning.  The clouds moved though all day long, with the range catching some intermittent visibility.  As I write this, there is a seriously dark impulse moving through the Valley, and the forecast is for an unsettled flow to keep bringing fresh Essence for tomorrow.  Since I was fully Belly Up on the couch today, I can’t give you the first hand account, but there is goodness to be found overall due to the recent wind and low traffic.  Silver Fox had been freed up with the move of the competition venue, so that aspect was smooth, carvelicious, and a great place to drop a full fall line assault.   Tomorrow, look for more accumulation to have been deposited, so be there early to get the best of the freshness.  I will be there early to get the goods, and get a handle on the hill for a first hand account.  Peace Out!!!

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