2-05-13 by dave

A light crowd for first Tram was treated to Sunshine out in Mineral Basin, with very nice groomers prepared, and some wind work on the east faces that made getting there for the opener a bonus.  The front side of the hill offered some seriously smooth lower mountain drops that had the ultra buff going top to bottom, and wall to wall.  I could not stop lapping the goods there as the quality was as good as it gets, and everyone was remarking at how exceptionally smooth it was.  The wind overnight did not do as much as I had hoped, but there were two or three thin lines of wind buff and a brand new Groomer cut on Lower Lone Star that set up that lower section of that line.   SOOOO GOOOD!!!  A high cloud deck moved in and out during the day, making the detail fluctuate from run to run, but the consistent smooth made details a mere formality.  Tomorrow, look for better visibility as the forecast is calling for  a bit more Sun, so the temps will be on the rise later in the afternoon.  Look for the Cat Crew to have put the high shine on some big sections of the hill and be ready to rock and roll.  It might be a flying morning.  Look around for some wind work, but you can still count on  sweet smooth in any event.  Here is a shot of the gulches West of the Bird looking vast and formidableDSC01251.  IBBY!!!


  1. Carole Livingston says:

    So sori I didn’t wake up early enough to join you for breakfast, I had a massage after I saw you and dinner with the gang here at IB and zoned out. Best of luck to you in whatever comes your way. Stay in touch

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