1-01-17 by dave

There was bright Sun out in Mineral Basin as the Morning Crew hit the big smooth lines back there.  The air was cold, and as I dressed for how I wanted it to be, I found myself woefully under dressed for the much lower temps.  The weather was on the move and the Valley inversion was lifting, with the banks of clouds riding up over The Twins and flowing down into Heber.  Here is a shot I took from the top of the Baldy Chair of the clouds roiling like a flowing stream.  Fortunately, the Sun was taking the sting out of the air and I was able to make a couple of laps on the img_0054perfectly un tracked corduroy that was perfect for laying some serious lacerations in the fresh lines.  On the front of the hill, the light was becoming flat as the inversion bank began to cover the hill and send the visibility into the variable zone.  With very little traffic I was able to pound out some fast laps on the Tram before breakfast.    I was joined at breakfast by Ski Hall Of Fame inductee, Bob Solerno, who I have know since my earliest days here. img_0055The afternoon session was fast and furious as well, with no wait for the Tram.  I was checking out some far afield lines, finding some variable consistency and some low amplitude static to keep things interesting.  I stopped in at the Summit and got this great shot of the Pie Master, who had just pulled this beauty from the oven.  This is such great pie and they have a lot of pride in the quality and presentation.  img_0057Tomorrow, look for some weather to have moved in overnight.  There will be storm conditions for the morning session, but the new snow will help soften the pack.  I will be looking for the known smooth lines I have been working the past couple of days and let it build up off trail to soften the ride over the rumble.  Coverage is great, though some of the steep entrances are sketchy right now after a lot of traffic. See you there to sample the fresh frosting.  See The Line, Be The Line!!

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