10-04-13 by dave

A very cold air mass moved into the Wasatch Front last night that brought some new freshness to the hills.  The lion’s share of the precipitation went North, which kept the accumulation here just marginal.  It certainly is nice to see the pattern changing, and I hope it keeps coming, as to avoid a bad layer as the season gets rolling.  I am always reticent to see early snow as it seems to turn off when we really need it, but we will take what we get and love it.  Here is a shot of the Salt Lake Twins with the dusting taken from the Valley.  Soon the hills will be filling in and we will be hitting the hill before long.  It seems like yesterday that we were poised for the season last year.  Time flies and it seemed as if the Summer blew by in a hurry.  The Gad 2 Chair is coming along nicely and on track to open on schedule.  New slope profiles have been created over above the lower terminal, making a nice long steep uninterrupted line, and that will be a very nice addition to the terrain features over on that side of the hill.  .  New snow making has been added to the upper section of Election, so the cover will be much improved, giving it a much earlier pack.  Got to love the snow making.  Well, here we are, I hope you are all as stoked as I am for the season.  Will be posting much more regularly now as we slide to the opening with up today info.  Be sure to get in on Octoberfest that is going on every weekend.  They have great beer, activities, music and a large venders area to shop at.  Keep visualizing deep thoughts and check back for up dates.  Stay Frosty.  DSC01595

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