3-14-16 by dave

The storm system finally began to make it’s way into the Front today.  Last night the rain was pelting the Trailer with an insistent patter that signaled snow up on the hill.  There were no signs of accumulation going up the Canyon, and the frozen glaze in the parking lot did not reveal the 3 to 8” of high density grauple that was waiting up on the hill.  High winds were moving the product around, stripping the high spots and filling in the low spots, so there were deeper deposits to be found. That old layer was fully in play, and those frozen aspects were difficult.  The High North lines were offering the smoothest, deepest turns that felt good underfoot.  On the ride up First Tram I caught this image of a sucker hole opening up in the Valley.  DSC03668By all evidence the storm seemed to be over, but the weather filled in and bands of heavy precipitation and wild winds began to pound the hill, shutting the Tram down for a bit while the front passed through.  The Morning Crew did an exploratory Lewis and Clark in a deep white out, which tested all the inner sensory skills.  Variable accumulation was found and the deeper spots felt luxurious in between the scoured hard pan of the old frozen layer.  That combination was interesting in that visibility.  Here is a great shot of the Chairman of the Board, considering the feed back coming in from the field during the morning Forklift debrief.  FullSizeRender-6Tomorrow, look for significant additional accumulation to have fallen for the morning offerings, with continued snow fall off and on all day.  There may be road restrictions, which were no problem today, but may well be tomorrow.  The higher density will be cushioning the old layer, but do expect some reveal where the wind has worked the windward aspects.  Look for those low guts to be holding the deepest deposits, but still be looking for the smooth lines for the best ride.   Dress for weather and be ready for the staggered openings as the control work is completed.  See you there for the return of Winter conditions.  Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!

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