2-06-24 by dave

The goodness keeps coming, with blowing wind and not too much accumulation overnight to make today a full on “what to do first” dilemma. With all that wind, was it going to be North aspects, or a first run into Mineral, or a Cirque Traverse exploration. Whatever you chose, there was untracked, smooth, and dense product that offered full platform engagement no matter what you chose. Bonus round!! Visibility was marginal with a stout wind blowing, keeping the snow on the move. The prepared lines were deluxe and made you feel invincible. Traffic was stout, but the chairs were walk on and there was plenty of vertical to work into the mix.

Snow slowly morphing it’s way to the sea, holding form for just a short time.

Tomorrow, look for overnight accumulation adding to the pack, more smooth lines to work, and still strong pressure for the goods. The Chairs will offer the best turnaround time, and we’ll have to see how the hill opens for the morning options. With the flow still out of the South, I expect more high density product to be on tap. The hill is in the storm flow, and this cycle is getting fun and opening so many new options. See the Line, BE the Line!!

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