It was still unsettled all day today with some Lake Effect moving through now and again with no appreciable accumulation. The Groomers offered the best ride, however, they were a bit firmer than yesterday with the combination of high density snow and lower temps. Mineral Basin was socked in with very marginal visibility and very little reference. I have been hitting that back area a lot as of late, but I am reticent to dive into the milk bottle. Sometimes I do it just for fun and I am always struggling for any scrap of detail for reference. On the front of the hill, all the major runs were open with soft crud left over from the last installment, though it is beginning to set up a bit. The traverses to the points of interest still are quite dodgy, with abrupt cross chop, rocks and interesting variations, so use caution on your way to wherever. I was poking around yesterday just to see, and I can tell you I was taking the approaches real easy. This is no time to be charging into such demanding terrain. Tomorrow, look for there to be some additional accumulation due to the continuing Lake Effect that is working outside the Trailer as I write this. The Groomers will still be good to go for the ground pounding top to bottom pace. There are still some very firm tiles here and about, which can be very exciting if you hit them with too much hanging out. Just expect variation and enjoy. Here is a shot of the grill going full blast as the Patrol was getting serious with lunch on the peak. It was a Cheeseburger in Paradise kind of day after all. See you in the Fun Zone in the AM. IBBY!!
2-01-14 by dave