4-04-23 by dave

A lot more Essence was delivered overnight and it kept coming all day as the lake effect kicked in. This new product was medium density and digging out The Trailer was a continuous job as it kept building up as the waves of intensity worked through. Up on the hill, interlodge was in effect all day and the Canyon road remained close for mitigation and clean up. The Mountain remained closed as well, with so much snow coming with such intensity. The Bird is reporting 792″ YTD last I looked and that is so close to the 800″ mark that I am betting, with tonight’s additional accumulation, will push the total over that mark. Yikes. And….. I was right about the Comet too!!!

More lake effect Essence building up overnight on the pool furniture. Light and fluffy.

Tomorrow, look for a slow start, with still no word on the Canyon opening. There will be ongoing mitigation efforts on the hill, so expect delays there as well. We’ll have to see how the energies of the system hold up and, perhaps, there may be some clearing. We’ll just have to see how it shakes out. What a season. Deep, deep and getting deeper!!!

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