5-13-24 by dave

It was the last day of the full service daily season, with great visibility, nicely prepared lines, and great friends with which to share the stoke. With a light overnight freeze, the pack was just deluxe and hot laps were available on all sides of the hill. It was really nice to take the time to savor all the spots that we can carry through the Summer.

Kevin Canton sent this shot of perfect corn goodness out in the far reaches were few were called to be.

It was great to be out on the hill and connecting with friends who make the Bird experience what it is.

Wynonna and Reanna enjoying the sunshine and mountain air on the Lower Cirque.
The Gordons celebrating their anniversary where it all started long ago, but the hill, like the love they share, does not change.

Great tunes on the Plaza kept the party going after the snow had turned to slush.

So much fun being with friends and sharing the stoke of a great season.

Thanks to all the people who work so hard to make the Bird turn. It is always a marvel to me that despite all that transpires they make it happen on a daily basis. I look forward to these coming weekend visits to the high country coming up. See you next weekend, and I will be posting. Straight Ahead!!

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