10-24-15 by dave

We enter the last stretch on our way into the new season, which promises to be a great one if all the prognostications come true.  I have noticed that the Yellow Jackets have been very aggressive for the last 6 weeks and that has always been a good sign to me.  Up on the hill, there was a light dusting that was delivered earlier this past week.  Here is a shot of the TwinsDSC03174with a taste of things to come in the near future.  The peak has been freed up from all the construction gear and the new structure is looking sleek and put together, with the deck furniture ready to be placed.   I can’t wait to get a look inside, as I have been told the view of Mineral Basin out the back is stunning.  Here is a shot I took today.  It sure has come a long way this DSC03176Summer.  The Chili Bird Showdown was held today and word was out that it was great and hard to pick just one. as they were all so good.  I had to bail from the festivities to get things done here at the Trailer.  While I was on the deck I stopped by the Forklift to say Hi to the gang.  Here is a shot of Kayla who always has a huge smile and is bringing the joy full time.  DSC03177Also, Margo and Nicole were on deck and working hard to get all the details put together for the big push.  They, too, always have  a smile and welcoming spirit that makes anytime I sit down feel like home.DSC03178   I will be looking forward to my breakfast tradition for the Season.  Click on the Snowbird Secrets banner at the top of the page and read a chapter and order your copy today.  It is only $2.99 as an E download, and it will be the next best thing to hard workouts to get ready for the season.  Wax ’em up folks it won’t be long now.  IBBY!!!

2 Responses to “LAST STRETCH”

  1. Tom and Betty says:

    Hey dave,

    Now that the snow talk is getting going, here’s some numbers for the last 2 major El Ninos.

    1981-82 – 795″
    1982-83 – 909″ WOW! period of record maximum.
    1983-84 – 808″

    1996-97 – 577″
    1997-98 – 600″

    We all know about the last 4 or 5 years.

    Got new Powertrack 84s and like you can’t wait.

    Tremper reminds us that El Nino predictions are lame because we are in the middle zone of the big picture maps of high precip versus drier. This year one map I saw had the southern loop wet boundary right up to the Lake.

    Anyways, glad to see you are still on the job. Get the Cosmic Energizer and Mojo working. And the Universal Mind of all the faithful.


  2. Dick Mahoon says:

    Interesting stats. I was there for 83-84 and the stars were suitably aligned, not to mention the aspens. Bad weather equals terrific skiing and the ‘fair weather’ skiers were confined to the lodge. I still remember the face shots 32 years later!
    I might get there this year…..

    Hong Kong

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