5-08-11 by dave


This was the day, the last day of the Tram of the biggest season we have ever had, and I think that every one participated as fully engaged as was humanly possible. The equipment, the clothing, the new level of technical talent, and the unmitigated audacity in the imagination of the IMAGINERS, made this probably the most significant season ever on any level!. Just going back through some of my posts brings back all the mental images and feeling of the Essence washing over me as I dialed the fall line, and I know that all of the faithful have the same inner sensations etched indelibly in the mind’s eye. I could not be there for the last day, but it seemed to be a challenging one, with overcast and no softening to speak of. More snow is coming in a big way, so it is not over yet as far as accumulation goes, and we can look forward to some additional smoothing for next weekend, mitigating the low amplitude rumble that had been developed. Have a great week and I will be posting on Thursday to give you a heads up. Ciao!!!   P. S.  Here is a shot of me taken by Jay Dash of Powder Shots.  These are THE WINGS, or POWERS FOILS as I call them, which develop a lift dynamic in the hands, resulting in a powerful platform from which to rip the fall line.  Yes, they look stupid, but these things are serious fun!!!  Thanks Jay!

9 Responses to “LAST TRAM”

  1. 3D says:

    This season has been a high time for those of us who relish storm skiing. A 60+ foot year will generally tend to be a lower vis year though; today’s Michigan-style socked in refreeze seemed less appealing to my tired legs.

    More than a few of the nicer things in life are flying in its various forms – I need to bum a few hardpack runs with those Power Foils one of these days.

    B-) 3D

  2. Mauro says:

    Dave, thanks for your reports, both useful and original. A question about those wings. Did you make them yourself or are they available somewhere?


  3. dave says:

    Thanks for the props. THE WINGS are my own fabrication, though they are an improvement on a concept that came out of the French culture 35 years ago. Up until recently, the scale of big mountain skiing had not yet reached the speeds required to fly wings, but now the general movement is toward full throttle. I cut them out 25 years ago, but they sat in my basement until 6 years ago, when I finally mounted them up and put skin on them. These are one of a kind, however, I have been trying to pop the conceptual bubble around the concept, and have been meeting with more interest recently. Everyone who tries them is summarily blown away. I recently let an airline pilot take them for a flight, an he was similarly blown away. This idea is much like Fat Skis, when the kids get a hold of this there will be no stopping it. Imagine a 50 MPH run down an Alaskan face with these!!! It would be stupendous and who ever does it will experience something life changing. I am looking for interested hard chargers to take this to the next level, so those of you out there, who want to lead the way into the new paradigm, let me know!!! Dave

  4. Krizia says:

    Hi Dave!
    Wish I could have been there! I heard stories from my dad. See you next season! Looking forward to another great year!


  5. kyle wagstaff says:

    It hasn’t been just this season–we have experienced an unprecedented run of much-above-average seasons in a row. I’ve enjoyed comparing my knowledge with the Guru, and I know I still have much to learn from the great Man on the Mountain. Thanks for publishing this obvious work of love for all of us (even the tree-crawling Wasatch-Backsiders like me who mainly roam the Front in late spring…) to enjoy every day–and keep draggin’ those lines!

  6. Krizia says:

    Hi Dave!

    Next season we will have to make a video for you! It’ll be fun! Really looking forward to it! See ya in December!


  7. Bobby Skigrin says:

    What a season, thanks for all those runs we made together. I really like the picture, you are spot on. Bunny and I look forward to seeing you over the summer.

  8. era says:

    …we are from New York..Wanted to make it there this weekend but air was too expensive..So what do you think about next one? Is still going to be ski-able? would the mountain survive the warmth?They claim it is going to stay till Memorial but how close to truth is it?

  9. dave says:

    Sorry that you can’t make it this weekend,but since there is 171” of base at mid mountain, and easily 120” at the base, I think it will be top to bottom until the 4th of July. Next week end should prove to be excellent, but look at the long range forecast for weather. I think it is worth the trip and the hill is in grate shape top to bottom.

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