1-16-17 by dave

A very light dusting covered The Trailer this morning, and there was a light dusting covering the hill as well.   The corduroy was perfect top to bottom, especially in the bright Sun, which made being above all the inversion clouds extra special.  Here is a shot of the Shmegma still holding tough in the Valley.  IMG_0133The Morning Crew hit Lewis and Clark for multiple laps on the amazing carpets of Hydro Velvet that were un tracked and blissfull.  With no traffic, it made for really fun ripping and fully laid out turns.  On the Front of the hill, Regulator, Mark Malu, and lines on upper Silver Fox were offering dry chalky quality that made return laps a must to get the goods while they were on.  There are still soft lines on the High North aspects that feel great, and with the filled up entrances, makes getting to the goods easy.  Here is a shot of fresh tracks laid down by Tramrat. IMG_0131Tomorrow, look for more great cruising on the freshly prepared Groomers that will still be offering deep pile goodness, especially during the morning session.  Traffic has been brisk, but there are no lift lines anywhere.  I was doing back to back walk on Trams all day long, that made getting those steep buffed lines a real treat.  Sunny weather is still hanging in there, so visibility will be 20/20. The snow quality is still dry and chalky wall to wall as the Sun has not yet begun to morph the product, except in the most direct aspects.  Still, there is plenty to find where ever you choose to drop a line.  Grab hold of these mid Winter days as they slip by all too fast.  IMG_0135In parting, here is a shot of the Pfeifferhorn  looking very 3D in the clear morning air.  Speed Safely!!

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