12-03-11 by dave

There was an inch of real Essence covering the Trailer this morning with 2” reported on the hill.  I brewed up some coffee and just savored the sight of bright Sun reflecting off the perfect whiteness.  Of course, it would have been nice to do some serious shoveling, but in this instance I only needed my leaf blower to clear the path.  The morning cold was also a big change, as the past two weeks had not presented those single digit numbers that greeted the Faithful on first Tram.  There is nothing like fresh snow, bright Sun, and the promise of some velvet under foot to stir the juices, but today was my day off so I stood there looking vacantly into space drinking coffee.  No doubt the freshness, though a modest accumulation, improved the playing field, as the few millimeters earlier this week worked wonders.  Later in the day the clouds built up and surrounded the peaks, so visibility was probably variable.  Tomorrow, look for the new product to have been worked into the mat, creating that velvet smooth ride that is another kind of perfect, mitigating some of those slightly slick spots that were cropping up.  The traffic will still reflect the weekend enthusiasm, but I still don’t expect to see any real back up on the lifts.  Pray for snow, so we can get to take those practice turns to the rest of the hill.  I know I am ready, how about you?   IBBY!!

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