1-16-12 by dave

I left the trailer early this morning just ahead of The Wall Of Voodoo, which was moving across the Valley as I gained the bench area.  There was just a light dusting of the lightest Essence on the parking lot, with the snow fall hitting hard as I parked.  The peak was Zero degrees, with the wind blowing hard,  more snow on the Plaza than on the peak, and visibility that was marginal at best.  Tenderizing efforts were sparse and the overall snow pack was like powdered sugar on polished marble.  I am not going to sugar coat it; it was difficult and tested all of my skills in dealing with the glaze.  The lower Men’s Downhill Chute was particularly wild as I put on the brakes before cresting the drop only to find no bite at all.  I felt like a Pig On Ice trying to gain a purchase on the glaze to deal with the situation.   Regulator Johnson was also very glazed, with almost zero visibility, and only one pass of tenderizing to get an edge into, if you want to call it that.  The storm was fast moving and did not deposit much, so tomorrow will offer continued slick and tricky conditions, though the visibility might be a bit better.  I went out to Powder Paradise to check  that line out, only to find the the continued slickness resident out there as well.  The off trail out there looked rough and not inviting at all.  This week promises much more accumulation, so I look at this as a transition day going into the pattern we have been waiting for.  I have faith in the Promise of the Wasatch!!!  Be on first Boat for the best of the day.   IBBY!!!

2 Responses to “LIGHT DUSTING”

  1. UtRider says:

    I only lasted 2 runs at Brighton this morning before calling it a day. Can’t wait for the next system to arrive as I’ve forgotten what it feels like to ski soft snow!

  2. marie says:

    no doubt, it was deceptive.

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