4-07-13 by dave

It was snowing hard on the peak this morning as the Tram docked.  Visibility was marginal, and an inch or two had accumulated on the hill.  I went directly to Mineral Basin and caught the steep groomers that had been prepared, which were covered with the fresh dusting.  Those untracked lines were a treat as there was no pressure and, with the snow pack not frozen, made the laps out there sweet, though the visibility was marginal.  The front of the hill was offering the same quality, with the off trail improving as the snow continued to accumulate.  The High North is much improved and has recovered from the interference patterns which have been mitigated over the past week.  The Sun made a brief appearance, which quickly hit the fresh snow, turning it a bit pasty, but the fun quotient stayed high.  Here is a shot of the fleeting window of Sun on Twin Peaks revealing the fresh coating.  Tomorrow, look for more snow to begin building in as the next storm system moves into the Front.  The hill is in great shape, and any additional accumulation will be a great addition, and all the off trail sections will be good to go with enough cushion.  You will be able to visit sections that have been out of play for quite some time, but these sections will be once again beDSC01430 lavished in the spring powder.  The Gad 2 chair closed for the season and will be replaced by a High Speed Quad this Summer, so that area will be tough to access.  See you for the early rock and roll festivities.  Ciao!!

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