12-05-11 by dave


It was 5 below Zero on the peak this morning as the First Tram hit the dock.  The Groomers had once again set up to provide  some dry chalky carving top to bottom.  The Sun came up really illuminating the dance floor, which was smooth, consistent, and good to GO!!  There is a large contingent of excellent sliders on the hill who are really bringing the goods.  It has been fun to see them draw the center line while I am working the left side of the sections.  Back to back Trams were fun to make, with the energy level really holding up despite the limited terrain.  After Noon,  the velvet began to be moved aside revealing the Formica surface that underlies the machine work.  Good traction was available despite the slick spots, but a good respect for the variations pay off  as you move down the hill.  There are a few spots that would present some serious implications if you could not make the cut.  I remember one individual, years ago, who committed to the line a bit over the top and did not negotiate the 90 degree mandatory turn, so…… Yadi  yadi yadi yada… he hit the tree that is no longer there.  That incident always is in the back of my mind when setting up the approach to the lower section.   Tomorrow, look for continued consistency to be on tap for the morning session, and the smoothness to hold up all day.  As the afternoon wore on clouds began to infiltrate the bowls, creating some interesting lighting effects.  Here is a shot of Twin Peaks with a beautiful Sun Dog shining brightly through the mist.  Very trippy!!!   See you in the AM!!!  Peace Out!!

One Response to “LIGHT EFFECTS”

  1. Snow Bunny says:

    Guru Dave, you truly are a magical wordsmith. I appreciate you filling in the color to our days on the hill. Who would have thought there was such a story behind it all. Your blog is actually reminiscent of books I used to read about the subtleties of the desert…stories of the quiet interworkings of light, sound, and air (and these guys sold a lot of books). You are on to something man. Thank you.

    Here is an example:

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