3-29-13 by dave

I under dressed for first Tram this morning, as it was quite cold and snowing on the peak as the Tram docked.  Overnight, the temps did not get low enough to put the hard freeze on the Groomed runs.  Mineral Basin’s offerings were velvety feeling, with plenty of tooth into which a solid edge could be set.  Baldy Express had some of the best feeling corduroy of the day.  The front of the hill was also benefiting from the light freeze, with some of the lines offering the smooth feel as well.  Off trail, only the High North was worth the effort, with the rest of the exposures needing a long time to thaw.   After 11:00AM.  the mat started to break over all and the ride got better for the next couple hours.  The Sun came out, illuminating the dance floor, but there were still some clouds moving through that threatened more light precip..  Here is a shot of Timp. with one of those low clouds that were spitting and shrouding the Sun.  Tomorrow, look for another nice day, with the Groomers, once again, the place to be for consistency, and follow the Sun for best results.  There were still some dry cold lines on the High North, but those shots might be getting a bit more interesting with each day of heat.  The Exotic Trees are still offering nice lines in the shade, but the interference patterns are building up in those easy to access lines.  The timing will be similar again if today was any indication, and while those early morning runs are worth getting up for, waiting for softness to occur will pay dividends, though the window of goodness will be much shorter before the snow gets DSC01366really sticky. My day off tomorrow will let me rest my wing after a full week. See you Sunday.   IBBY!!

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