Lights On Lights Off

4-02-09 by dave

The weather person promised a sunny, brief, high pressure Thursday.  Sounded good to me, but that would mean lots of snow quality damage.  The good news was that the morning broke overcast, windy, with snow falling to launch first tram; I’ll take it  The Powder Bird Guides were present on the tram because of the conditions, which were still Januaryesque, hoping for the weather to break.  The second tram saw the sun break out, though the wind still was harsh out of the West.  The high North exposures benefited from the transport factor rendering them soft and smooth.  The East exposures were skiing well and will continue to be so.  The sun went back in again then back out playing hide and seek all day.  This small amount of radiant heating kissed the direct faces and set them up making them difficult and sloggy.  The higher elevations escaped this heating for the most part, but the lower elevations went through a series of micro freeze thaw cycles as the sun went in and out.  Crusting can be counted on in these areas so check your directions.  The Groomers were epic with hydro velvet gracing the full scope of the hill;  Just rippable.  Very light traffic made the vertical junkies quiver for the full back to back program.  Go baby Go!!!  The next instalment is on our door step so check the road  status before heading up .  Hang on, here we go again!!!

One Response to “Lights On Lights Off”

  1. dad says:

    i enjoy getting your ski reports

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