12-01-09 by dave

These short days get that really low sun angle.  It seems that all of the snow guns are back lit.  I guess you had to be there.  The fresh Gun Powder was on all day with the wind  blowing up slope as the machines turned out sugar all day long.  The really good turns were to be found in the wash and was worth the effort  of getting low and slow in them.  The harder areas require a bit more attention , but you can rest confident of well covered rocks on the main run.  Off trail is still very punchy as it has sat for so long and has no cushion. Very light attendance, again today, provided a relaxed atmosphere to get warmed up for the season.  Though the light was flat the first couple runs, the snow quality was certainly worth showing up for.   The Bass High way is still problematic and should be avoided.  I have still opted for the shuttle as you get more vert. and don’t miss any runs.  There might be some weather moving in for tomorrow, so the visibility may suffer though the groomers should still be strong  in any case.  See you then!

One Response to “LOW SUN”

  1. Kurt Davies says:

    Hello Dave…I enjoyed going up on the last Red Car of the day with you and Dan. I am sitting here in 1012 at the Iron Blosam and will soon head to the whirl pool/steamroom to try and make these stiff muscles relax. I may ski tomorrow and Sunday but won’t be staying here at the IB. Flew here in a four place Cessna and the weather won’t let me fly home to San Diego until likley Monday. If i see you on the hill or on the Tram, i’ll be sure to say hi.

    Later, Kurt

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