1-24-11 by dave

Today I have completed 60 trips around the SUN,   35 of which have been spent at The Bird.  Today I was gifted with sumptuous wind deposited, natural,   Grooming on huge areas of the mountain.   Mineral Basin was especially graced with the ultra smooth wind buff, that was true hero snow, with every turn a perfect moment.  The front of the hill was also going off, as the relentless traffic has finally begun to break the crust of last week, revealing re crystallized essence that had to be experienced, so trying to describe it would fall flat. With very light traffic, back to back to back Trams were happening all day, with only the Mineral Basin chair building up any kind of line.  There is only minimal vestiges of the old crusty layer, leaving the lines consistent enough to take a full power approach.  The High North aspects also were worked by the wind, though they did not exhibit the extra depth of the East facing, they are very smooth and soft none the less.  Tomorrow, look for some snow to be moving through the area, making visibility an issue, but the overall smooth complexion of the hill will help in navigating the runs.  The smoothness held up all day on the groomed runs, so remember them from today, and take that same relaxed approach to them tomorrow.  The hill is back up to great, and today was an incredible gift, plus, all my friends were there!!!   See you tomorrow!!! Peace Out!

4 Responses to “MILE STONE”

  1. Joe Ivory Mattingly says:

    Great to ride with you today your B Day, Dave. Thanks.

  2. Niff says:

    Happy Birthday Dave ! You are a legend & an inspiration.

  3. George and Lisa Lewis says:

    Dave, make the sun run to mark time with the Dynastar Sultan.
    Happy Birthday!

  4. clairebear says:

    What a celebration for an amazing person! I would expect nothing less than perfect velvet conditions for you on your 60th lap around the Sun. I am so glad I am there to share it with you.

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