1-01-13 by dave

The cold northerly flow continued this morning with a brisk Breeze and Zero on the peak, though the Sun was shining through the higher elevation clouds to start things off.   Mineral Basin offered some thin lines of transported snow, but not enough to entice me to deal with the interference patterns to get to them.  The Gun Powder under the guns on Regulator was exquisite during the early runs, and that

Cold air

Cold air

was being blown up hill, so spotting the coverage was tougher in the cold clouds emitted from the nozzles.   The traffic was quite light in the AM and did not build up at all during the day, making back to back Trams easy to get, but there was no lolly gagging if you wanted to stay on the same Bucket.  The off trail has developed  widespread, moderate interference patterns with a fairly stiff consistency, though there are some soft lines left if you look around a bit.   Look to the obscure lines for the softest snow, but it will still take a deliberate attack to punch through the variations.   There are still some slick posts here and there on the lower third of the hill, so you can expect some slipping and sliding on the glaze.   Tomorrow, look for another cold day as the Northerly flow persists, so dress accordingly.  With some luck the wind will abate and make it seem warmer.  This is a great time to get the most out of the hill with the low traffic, the high lift capacity, and the myriad of line options to string together.   Here is a shot of the cold air clouds with glowing flakes of Essence suspended in SPACE!  Stay Frosty!!

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