1-16-16 by dave

There was more Essence that had accumulated over night and there is more coming upstream.  Today was still cold, with variable visibility as the hill was shrouded in clouds for much of the day.  I was here at the Trailer resting up for the coming week.  I was worked heavily last week with all the new freshness to get and deep white outs to negotiate.  Those white outs take a lot of internal computing power to stay tuned to where you are with little to no reference points.  This week is predicted to be an active period, with impulse after impulse lined up into the Pacific, which is a very good sign indeed.   Tomorrow, look for more accumulation to be on tap, but how much is still up in the air.  There was a short Canyon closure this morning, so check the Canyon report for restrictions.  Remember your smooth lines and stay with those for the best ride in the limited visibility.  Those interference patterns are still going to be felt, though the cushion is helping.  I worked some very intense interference patterns yesterday just for drill, and it took all I had to find a way through that did not tweak my knees too much.  It is great to have all this product to work with, and I look forward to a great morning.DSC03410  Here is a shot of the Utah Yeti who has been holding the Powder concept for us all. It is nice to know he is here.  IBBY!!

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